LevelSpike’s animated Halo video!
Check out LevelSpike’s animated video for “Halo ((All I Play-Oh))”!
So awesome! I love the RB drum kit!
Check out LevelSpike’s animated video for “Halo ((All I Play-Oh))”!
So awesome! I love the RB drum kit!
First off, thanks for all the support in 2011. It was a good year for us: We finally finished our WoW song. Kat made us another great video (though we really thought someone would do a full machinima video for it — that’s kind of what we had in mind when we wrote it). We also snuck in a Beatles track. We started posting our work on the Funny Music Project Sideshow. We closed the chapter on our first ten songs by grouping them as an album. And maybe most importantly, we committed to our next project.
That’s what I want to talk about here, but not too much. I’m a big fan of setting realistic expectations, and I think it’s only fair to give you a heads-up that we won’t have this next thing ready for some time. The next project is a little more ambitious than our usual stuff, and it will take more time as a result. There’s an old saying: “Cheap, fast, and good — pick two.” Well, we’re going for cheap and good.
Jude and I have been kicking around a few ideas for a while and one of them really took shape early last year. We didn’t really do anything with the idea at the time, because we were focused on Rage Quitter and Alliance, but we put this idea on deck for the next thing after they were finished and out the door. Since that point, we’ve been spending all our PSwap time on it; some research is involved. I can’t give you a hint because a hint would give it all away; it will be better when it’s done and we can just say “It’s this” and you will hopefully go “Holy cow, you’re kidding, really?” and we’ll go “Yeah, for real, you can download it here.” And then you will tell all your friends and say “You’ve gotta hear this” and then we will be famous on the internet. This is the loose plan. Please note your part in it.
Really, that’s all I wanted to say. We’re heading into a public drought but a private wellspring. We didn’t break up and we didn’t get bored. We’re just working in secret in the dojo.
Happy 2012 to you and yours. We hope to see some of you at PAX East again this year. And if you bought a t-shirt that wouldn’t suck.
This one’s been a long time coming! We’ve been working on our parody of Thomas Dolby’s “She Blinded Me With Science” around for almost a year — and it did not come easy. In fact, we made “Rage Quitter” in the middle of it because it was driving us crazy and we needed a break! But hopefully you like what you hear:
Download the MP3 if you dig it.
More info after the jump.
A light at the end of the tunnel! Jude and I have been working on our next song for a long time — before “Rage Quitter,” actually. I found a file that said “feb mix” which means we’ve been talking about it and recording bits since even before that. And we had thought that debuting this song with a video would be the way to go, but on second thought…no it’s not. We certainly hope this is the kind of song that the community might decide is worthy of a video. If so, we will be flattered and welcome it. If not, there’s no real reason to hold this song just for that hope. You’ll get the joke without the visual.
We have also come to an important decision. This will be the LAST Palette-Swap Ninja song…in our debut collection, “Still in Beta.” Heh. We both feel like 10 is a good round number, and after four years of doing this, it’s nice to pause and say “achievement unlocked.” All it really means is that the MP3s will be tagged with the album title and you can download everything in one chunk. We’re working on album art now so it will look all nice on your iPod. We’re also going to add the lyrics to this site — what were we thinking by not posting them with the songs themselves? Silly.
Our next project is already decided and that will be a fresh start of sorts, but we won’t be ready to talk about that for a while, due to personal schedules and being busy in real life. But we’re not taking a break, we’re working on it — just can’t pin down a release date or anything yet, and it’s too early to discuss (not like we ever do that anyway). Still working on lyrics and Jude is currently tracking drums. And, if we’re lucky, we might play our first live show next year, if the stars align. Ever onward!
So…check back here soon for our 10th song.
Download the full-length MP3 for free here.
As mentioned in an earlier post, this song came from a random idea from one of our fans, Chris Repetti. He sent a note on Facebook and it instantly made sense to us. So we did it! And we thank him. He’s a fan of TalkRadar, so that’s why the song debuted on TalkRadar #157 first.
More details after the jump. (more…)